University of California San Francisco

NIH T32 Research Training Programs

NIH T32 Research Training in Transplant Surgery

Preparing the Surgical Trainee for a Career in Academic Transplant Surgery

Peter G. Stock - 144

The NIH T32 Research Training in Transplant Surgery, “Filling a Void of Research Training for Transplant Surgeons” (FAVOR)", will provide two years of funding for in-depth training in translational immunology for three general surgery residents each year with an interest in abdominal or thoracic transplant surgery. The program is led by Professors Peter Stock, M.D. and Minnie Sarwal, M.D., Ph.D. 

The goal of FAVOR T32 is to prepare the T32 research fellows for careers as academic transplant surgeons, to train and inspire a unique cadre of surgeon-scientists to translate astute observations at the bedside, in the operating room, and in the clinic into novel hypotheses that can be interrogated through immunology-focused translational research.


The program leverages the world-class transplant surgery program at UCSF, a high volume tertiary referral center for the region with excellent post-transplant outcomes. The FAVOR T32 program will focus on preparing surgical trainees for translationally-focused research careers, utilizing state-of-the art-tools  for the study of allo- and heterologous immune mechanisms relevant to solid organ transplant injury and acceptance.